BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About searches > Using Find > References options

References options

The References tab options determine which documents that are related to documents in the search results will also appear in the search results. The References tab is only available for document searches. The following table describes these options.

References options
Option Description

Include documents by reference

Includes documents by reference in the search results.

Include documents referenced by the found documents

Includes only documents that are referenced by (outgoing references) documents in the search results.

Include documents that reference the found documents

Includes only documents that reference (incoming references) documents in the search results.

Include both

Includes all documents with references to documents in the search results.


Includes all documents contiguously associated by any type of references.

Restrict to the following reference type

Includes only documents with references of the selected type.

Include drawing and presentation files

Includes Autodesk Inventor drawing and presentation files in the search results.

Include hybrid parts

Includes hybrid parts in the search results.

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